Digital Whiteboards

Commuserv offer a wide range of products and services when it comes to Interactive Whiteboards and Smart Boards. One of our more commonly installed solutions is the MAXHUB range.

Collaboration Starts with MAXHUB V5
The Classic Series inherits our concept of minimalist design while delivering intuitive interactions as well as outstanding sound and video performance. For both local meetings and teleconferences, participants may visualise their ideas instantly. Communication on a Classic Series defies distance with the updated audio & visual systems, giving the distant meeting attendees the feeling as if they were joining the session in person.
High-precision IR Touch System
The IR touch technology brings you natural writing experience on Classic Series. The Classic series and Vogue series have reduced the touch height by 57%. The writing height is lowered to less than half of the previous generation, providing an even more paper-like writing experience. MAXHUB V5 also increases the writing accuracy from the previous models. Now the writing accuracy is within plus or minus 1mm, which helps make fine annotations.
≤2mm Writing Height | ±1mm Writing Accuracy
Type-C4 Connector, Bridging the Divide
A newly added USB Type-C port shares the screen to the MAXHUB V5 and enables reverse touch control from the touch screen. Meanwhile, it also allows access to the built-in camera and microphone array. Now you can enjoy wide viewing angle camera and 8 metres of voice pickup features on your laptop. Besides, MAXHUB supports extension mode via Type-C.
Carrying Video & Audio & Touch Signals | Accessing the Wide-angled Camera and Powerful Mic Array
12MP Camera: Enhanced A&V Capacity
Throughout the meeting session, the camera may offer unprecedented clarity, even after zooming in on the speaker. 12MP provides enough room for image compression with a higher signal-to-noise ratio. While we have a Full HD video conference, the image sensor would calculate based on the light information gathered on more than 4 pixels to form a single pixel. Therefore, the proportion of electrical noise in the circuit would be vastly reduced, increasing the clarity and saturation of the image.
Auto Zoom in on the speaker2 | Higher SNR3
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