Established Business


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Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM stands for customer relationship management. It's a category of integrated, data-driven solutions that improve how you interact and do business with your customers. CRM systems and applications are designed to manage and maintain customer relationships, track engagements and sales, and deliver actionable data—all in one place.
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Data Analytics Consulting & Business Intelligence Analytics

Data is everywhere. In fact, the amount of digital data that exists is growing at a rapid rate, doubling every two years, and changing the way we live. According to IBM, 2.5 billion gigabytes (GB) of data was generated every day in 2012.
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Site Audits

Many small business owners believe that they are already using digital technology effectively, because they have a website and Facebook page. But there are many more ways to use digital technology to improve your business outcomes.
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Intranet and Document Collaboration

The ability to easily and systematically store, archive and retrieve documents is essential to ensuring all employees are working with the most current information available and can work to prevent lost hours in productivity, trying to recover documents that have been poorly filed or haphazardly archived.
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